family fatigue and daylight savings time change?

do you and your babies struggle with fatigue following the daylight savings time change? march 9, 2025 we adjust our clocks forward one hour for the spring daylight savings time. here are 3 areas with spring forward daylight savings time suggestions to help the “family fatigue” adjustment. remember, our bodies like routine. it takes about …

dads & babies: relationship building tips

building a relationship with the new baby can be difficult at first. it’s like a friendship, it takes time to build, but this bond lasts a lifetime. i created 3 tips dads can use to build a relationship with the new baby. do things you enjoy and include your baby. safety first, of course. first …

babywearing safety tips

check for T.I.C.K.S. to wear babies safely babywearing safety tips: when putting on your baby carrier, use this acronym TICKS to make sure you and your baby are comfortable and safe. we are all thinking about ticks right now, so let’s be wise. T is for tight. the carrier should hug your baby close to …

dads: 3 tips to get to know your kids better.

dads, you’re doing a great job. your presence matters. you are needed and loved and appreciated. i am sharing 3 ways you can get to know your kids better. #1. dads, building relationships with your children takes time. this father excels at spending quality time with his children. both enjoy soccer and playing with the …

recalling birth using my 5 senses

recalling details to remember the moments of birth using the gift of my five senses. recalling the birth of my third child, i used that technique to bring the event back to my mind. i wanted to see every detail in my imagination like it had just happened.  if you are wondering how long i …

11 favorite baby books.

bonding with baby: read together. snuggling up with baby and a good book is a great way to spend time together. when reading aloud, i use my best voice, i sing silly songs, i recite poems, i make animal noises and my favorite, i ask questions. i enjoy this time together. i make it a …

how will the newest family member respond?

how will the newest family member respond to meeting 13 family members at the same time? meeting the newest family member was such a thrill for me. my three children and their families arrived in pittsburgh,pa for a weekend of celebrating 4 generations.  coming together, 14 of us, we were all super excited to meet …

nesting while pregnant

nesting is an extra burst of energy focused on cleaning and organizing the home to make things ready for the baby’s arrival. it happens in the third trimester. it does not mean labor is starting. nesting is a natural response of taking control over you and your baby’s environment.  it becomes apparent in the third …