the grammie doula blog

rainbow baby day is celebrated today

rainbow baby day, celebrating our rainbow babies after pregnancy loss

i am a rainbow baby parent and each year for 37 years, i have celebrated rainbow baby day

rainbow baby day is august 22 each year. i like to celebrate it each year to remember my baby loss and then celebrate my baby girl born the next year.

rainbow baby day is a celebration of the birth of a baby after a pregnancy loss such as a miscarriage, stillbirth, or an infant death.  it is a reminder that joy can come after loss. this holiday is a way to celebrate all of your children. this day celebrates both the loss of a child and the new birth of another one. this new birth could be through adoption and also surrogacy. it brings hope and comfort to families after the infant loss.

what to do to celebrate rainbow baby day

here are my suggestions:

do what feels right to you.

celebrate quietly with a family dinner and talk about your baby loss and then the rainbow baby – remember both.

journal your story

and then decide what you want to do next with it. one suggestion would be to post a bit of your story in a community group or on your social media page or write the entire birth story about your experience.  this is one way to publicly recognize your status as a rainbow baby parent.  it can be therapeutic and spread awareness about rainbow babies and also offer comfort to other parents. 

i lost a baby at 20 weeks. i wrote about that birth many years later.  i had a rainbow baby the following year after my baby loss and i have written her birth story.  it was very healing for me to journal her story and see all the goodness in her birth. i shared her story on my blog and each year i am thankful that i decided to try again to have a baby after experiencing the loss of a child. i have a son, then our boy baby loss. our rainbow baby girl was next, and then our final baby boy. our rainbow baby is our only girl and we are so thankful for her.

collect quotes that speak to you. 

i love to journal quotes about a situation. use these quotes in nursery and home décor.  positive affirmations are great tools to start your day. use in baby announcements. journal prompts and meditation to maintain hope during grief.

“somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue.  and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.” –  yip harburg

“rainbows remind us that even after the darkest clouds, and the fiercest winds, there is still beauty.” -katrina mayer

make a memory box

to keep special memorabilia or create an album and  include special cards, notes, small gifts, etc in this special place.

some folks make a quilt.  i am not crafty at all!

for support after infant loss, there is…

a walk to remember. this walk joins bereaved parents, families, health professionals, and friends across the country to raise awareness of pregnancy loss (perinatal loss) and offer support to grieving parents. in our area, this walk is in october during pregnancy and infant loss awareness month.

find a rainbow baby community.

rainbow baby pregnancy support group

pregnancy after a loss facebook group

now i lay me down to sleep offers stillbirth photography

the angel gown program gifts wedding gowns repurposed to be worn by angel babies. these are small gowns given to the infants.

baby steps is a support group for parents and children who have lost a sibling.

i am celebrating the day by lighting a candle and remembering the baby that passed and celebrating the rainbow babies that came after that storm.

what helped you get through the storm of pregnancy loss? did you have to wait long for your rainbow baby? let’s chat. i would love to hear your story. big hugs


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